The Fastest Path to Growth and Predictability for your Fashion Brand...


The exact templates, checklists, calculators and training that our internal team use to scale eCommerce fashion brands to 7-figures and beyond.

What's Included in the Toolkit

Here's what you get for just $49...

  • Business & Advertising Metrics Calculators to help determine your break-even MER, your 90-day customer value, your profit at different levels of ad spend and a whole lot more.
  • Funnel Setup Templates with different funnel setups for different accounts. These are the templates we use internally to scale accounts to $10k per day and above. 
  • ​Our Product Testing Framework which we use to find winners in each account as quickly as possible. 
  • ​Our Creative Testing Framework & Optimisation training to help create and test creatives at scale.
  • Ad & Creative Setup Checklists and Cheatsheets to make sure your ads are set up for optimal performance and sales.
  • ​​Performance Metrics Analysis Sheets to determine what part of your advertising and funnel needs to be looked at to get your account performing again.
  • ​And some added bonuses...

Business & Advertising Metrics Calculators

Understand your business metrics and what you can spend on ads with our MER & Profit Calculators.

Before you start to advertise on any ad platform, you first need to understand your business metrics and what you can spend to still make a profit. This is where our team starts. And with this MER (Marketing Efficiency Ratio) calculator, you can see exactly what you can spend on ads. 

You can also see how your MER and profitability changes at scale and how this is impacted by variable costs like shipping and returns. This is the starting point of any successful campaign.

Customer Lifetime Value Calculator

The Customer Lifetime Value is the lifeblood of any eCommerce brand. Without a strong repeat customer rate it's impossible to be successful with advertising in this day and age. 

The CLTV calculator helps you calculate different scenarios and shows the impact of variables like increased buying frequency and the average order value for repeat purchasers. You can even calculate metrics like the 60 and 90-day customer value to help you spend more on ads and outbid the competition. 

Funnel Setup Templates

How to setup the structure of your ad account for optimal performance

Every ad account is different. ABO versus CBO. Learning Phase. Budget Split, Cost Caps and the list goes on. With these proven funnel templates, backed by millions of dollars of spend, you'll be able to find the structure for your product and account that works.

This takes the guesswork out of the set up and you know that you have a proven structure in your account that generates a consistent stream of sales for your eCommerce business.

Product Testing Framework

How to structure your product testing to find winners quickly

Fashion eCommerce brands are multi-SKU brands. They are different than stores with just a few winning SKU's. You need to find winners quickly. Not just to make sure you have enough stock of them, but also to find out what to use in your creative testing. And just as important, what not to use. 

The Product Testing Framework will give you a system for testing your newlines quickly and how to pick up on buying signals so you can find what to focus on. These templates and training will be the basis of your ad account. 

Creative Testing & Optimisation

Make creatives that stop the scroll and generate sales

No matter how much time you spend in your Facebook ads manager, the single biggest thing of impact on your account performance is your creative. 

With our Creative Testing Framework & Optimisation Training you'll not only know what to test and how to go about testing in a systematic way. You'll also get endless optimisation ideas and how to get maximum creative variations out of creatives you've already made. 

Checklists & Cheatsheets

To make sure your ads are set up for optimal performance and sales

This includes everything from understanding the metrics in your ad account to what ad formats to test and set up and everything in between. 

Not sure if you've tested everything? These are the checklists and cheatsheets our media buying team are using to make sure they have tested everything there is to test. As well as make sure everything is set up correctly. 

Analysing & Problem Solving

How to determine what part of your store or advertising funnel to look at to get your account performing again

Our 360 Analysis is a tool to help you look at your business and advertising holistically. Not all problems are solved in the ad account and sometimes you need to take a look at other parts of your business or advertising. 

The 360 Analysis will point you in the right direction and help you solve any issue with confidence.

Bonus 1: Scaling Training

How to scale your ad account

Get access to our scaling blueprint. 

There's multiple ways to scale your Facebook ad account and this blueprint will show you how to scale it and more important, keep your account stable while doing it!

Bonus 2: Ad Swipe File

So you're never stuck for ideas

Get access to our internal swipe file. Updated monthly with the best converting ads in the industry. 

Never again get stuck for ad ideas and make sure you always have something to test for your brand. 

About Us

We Are Heavy Head Social

We're a team of eCommerce marketing experts that specialise in fashion. Over the years we've helped countless brands scale from low to mid 5 figures to multiple 6 and even 7-figures a month. Our team has over 45 years of actual fashion experience in all areas like buying, merchandising and running of stores and brands. We combine this experience with our extensive advertising knowledge to help fashion brands scale to new heights. 

The toolkit you're about to buy is the result of this knowledge. It doesn't just look at advertising for your fashion brand, but combines all the important elements into one system made for scale. 

Here are some of the results Heavy Head Social has been able to achieve using the Fashion Growth Framework


↑ $1.3M+ Revenue Generated

↑ 7.6x ROAS From Instagram


↑ $755k Additional Sales from Facebook

↑ $100k+ Record Revenue Day


↑ $700k Sales

↑ 6.37x ROAS


↑ £245k Ad Spend Managed Profitably

↑ 4.26x ROI on Advertising

Brands We've Partnered With

Brands We've Partnered With

What others are saying about our services?

Steve Merrill

CEO Bella Ella Boutique
"We managed our FB/IG ads in house for over three years. We managed to achieve a lot of success doing so, as paid social has been our top acquisition channel during that time. 

From the first call with Heavy Head Social I could tell they really knew what they were talking about. They have experience, they know what they are doing, and they work hard to get results. They understand business and have a genuine desire for us to succeed. That has made all the difference in working with them. 

Highly recommend Heavy Head Social to anyone looking to take their paid social to the next level!"

Tom Eastman

Founder Olympvs
"HHS say "83% of our clients see revenue double in less than 90 days". Numbers don't lie, and this statement alone helped persuade me to work with them. Although I was very skeptical. I'm happy to say they smoked this target. They helped double our monthly revenue within 60 days of working together. 

There's no sign of slowing down either. Thanks to everyone on the team at HHS! I'm really excited to achieve some explosive growth this year."

Get Immediate Access to Everything Listed Above Including Free Bonuses Inside…

The Fashion Growth Framework Toolkit

  • Business & Advertising Metrics Calculators
  • ​Funnel Setup Templates
  • ​Product Testing Framework
  • ​Creative Testing Framework & Optimisation Training
  • ​Checklist & Cheatsheets
  • ​Performance Metrics Analysis Sheets

Try it 100% Risk Free

30-Day No Questions Asked Guarantee

If you purchase our Fashion Growth Framework Toolkit today and don’t feel it's absolutely right for you, just send us an email within 30-days of purchase and we'll refund your payment in full, no questions asked.

Our Partners

We are Facebook, TikTok, Klaviyo Silver and Shopify Partners. Our methods stay up-to-date and cutting edge. Because we’re kept in the loop. Meaning your campaigns always compete at the highest level.
Heavy Head Social LTD, Rockfield Drive, Dublin, Ireland |
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